Our academic year has come to a close which means an entire year to look back on! We are thrilled to share this year's accomplishments with all of you.
This year, SPACE served a total of 188 high school and community college students across all of our sites. We had a total of 842 tutoring sessions (15 minute sessions) and 704 advising sessions (30 minute sessions) with students.
Each of our sites nearly reached every objective set regarding number of tutoring and advising sessions, many of them exceeding the objectives set at the beginning of the academic year!
At Carson High School, there was a total of 75 students served with a total of 168 advising sessions and 535 tutoring sessions. Carson Staff also planned and executed 13 different programs for the students, including a celebration of Filipino American History Month and a workshop for students applying to colleges pertaining to personal statements and resume-building. There was high Carson student attendance at both our Winter & Spring Field Trips to Northern California and UCLA, respectively. Additionally, all core seniors at Carson will be attending a 4-year university in the fall! Congratulations to our Carson seniors!
At El Camino College, there was a total of 63 students served with a total of 347 advising sessions. El Camino Staff planned four different workshops this year, including a transfer panel and a college application workshop. The transfer panel invited transfer students at UCLA, including members from Pilipino Transfer Student Partnership (PTSP) and some of our own El Camino Staff, to come answer questions that El Camino students had about the transfer experience. There was high turnout for Fall & Winter Workshops, as well as high El Camino student attendance at both Winter & Spring Field Trips. And in the fall, four El Camino students will be joining us at UCLA! Congratulations to all of our incoming transfer students!
At Van Nuys High School, there was a total of 50 students served with a total of 189 advising sessions and 307 tutoring sessions. Van Nuys Staff planned 13 workshops and facilitations for their students throughout the year, including an interactive pastilla-making workshop and debates on topics such as whether or not Pilipinos are Asian or Pacific-Islander. This was the first full academic year that SPACE offered services at Van Nuys! In addition, two students will be attending UCLA & UCB in the fall, and all core seniors were accepted into 4-year universities. Congratulations to our Van Nuys Seniors!
We are so proud of all of this year's achievements but this wouldn't have been possible without the hard work of our 2018-2019 Admin, Staff, and Project Coordinator! We cannot wait to see what next year's SPACE Staff accomplishes.
Keep a lookout for updates from us regarding summer events! See you all soon!