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What is SPACE?


🎓 Our mission to promote access to higher education:

Through personal development, academic guidance, and leadership investment we will cultivate a community that fosters mutual self discovery within our staff and students in order to embody the ideals and process of empowerment that promotes access to higher education and the attainment of postsecondary goals.  

🌞 Our vision of empowered, critically conscious Pilipinx students:

We envision Pilipinx / Pilipinx American students who are motivated to pursue higher education and post-secondary ambitions with respect to their personal interests by empowering themselves through:

  • Understanding of both academic and holistic goals and needs in order to take active ownership of their education in a sustainable manner

  • Realization of one’s own agency in order to actively engage as advocates of their community

  • And the embodiment of intentional critical consciousness and critical action reflective of one’s own personal history, capacity, and role in the community

🕒 Our 2020-2021 sites & services: 

We will be offering our services remotely beginning Spring 2020 until it is safe to return to in-person services.

🖥  Virtual site:

Carson High School

Thursdays, 3-5pm

El Camino College

Thursdays, 5-6pm

Historical Filipino Town

Wednesdays, 4-5pm

  • Peer Advising
  • Peer Tutoring
  • Workshops
  • Internships
  • Conferences
  • Field Trips

🏫  In-person site:

Carson High School

Tuesdays/Thursdays: 2-7 PM

El Camino College

Tuesdays/Thursdays: 11-5PM

Historical Filipino Town

Time/Date TBD

🎓 Our statistics:

🕒 Our History

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